Monday, August 16, 2010

A question was submitted:

I am an OHSU AFSCME employee. When is the Healthcare coverage for children up to 26 years old going to go into effect at OHSU? They will no longer be required to be a full time student, correct?


Thank you for your inquiry. The new health care law states employers must be compliant by January 2011. OHSU plans to implement this for AFSCME represented members in Jan. 2011. And yes, that is correct about the student status.


  1. I thought the law allowed an exception for employers with Bargaining Agreements, and OHSU was going to delay implementing this. Did they change their mind?

  2. From the President:

    OHSU was under the assumption that they didn’t have to implement until the contract expired. We didn’t think this was correct and asked our International union to look into this. AFSCME International was a key player in getting the rules and regulations about this new law set. They made sure that this was not the case. So per the new rules on this law they must implement by 2011 but of course have the option & are encouraged to implement early as well.
