Monday, July 19, 2010

39th Boston International AFSCME Convention Report

First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend to this important convention.
June 26, we arrived in Boston. First day we missed registration, we then walked around downtown Boston. June 27, we headed to the convention to register as delegate got our backpack full of information regarding the rules & reports for the convention. I also had the opportunity to sign up for some AFSCME Advantage, AFSCME action center & PEOPLE. I also got to join some delegates for the Labor History “Bread and Roses Strike Tour” it was an honor to learn about how Union fights for all the works back then. As the tour end and back to the convention, I attended the first time Delegates & Briefing about how important to attend all convention follow the rules and to vote. Last of the night the fun begin Delegates Reception, lots of food, good entertainment. I had a chance to meet some delegates from other state. As convention start, as a first time delegate it was intimidating to see the crowd, I was nervous as the day goes by it was a learning experience for me. It was an honor to meet our AFSCME International President Gerald McEntee who’s our speaker for the convention. He then introduce to all of us our International Executive Secretary-Treasurer William “Bill” Lucy it was an honor to get to know Mr. Lucy his remarkable speech will always be special. A man who stand for the right of people. I also got a chance to take picture with him. It was also a tribute for Bill Lucy it showed us how his journey begins & end.

His legacy will live on. As the convention moving on, I also had the opportunity to hear the guest speaker
Of Vicki Kennedy the late wife of Ted Kennedy, her speech was inspirational to me had so much to learn about how her husband supported the Labor Union as she said her husband last name was LABOR. It was also a tribute for late Sen. Ted Kennedy. As the day on the convention we have to nominate a candidate for the new secretary-treasurer, our president Jaimie Sorenson officially nominated Danny Donohue we are behind and supported the nomination. It was also an honor to meet Mr. Donohue his kindness, soft spoken made me decide who I really want to vote for and I choose Danny Donohue. On our council 75 caucuses meeting we have a guest speaker Lee Saunders his speech is alright did not change my mind who I going to vote for. Wednesday June 30 Rally day it was the fun part I never done a rally before my first time and I did it in Boston. Thursday July 1, The ELECTION day! Early in the morning needed to be at the convention to VOTE! It’s the big day for both candidates it’s also a t-shirt day. As the convention goes on anticipated & waiting for the result of the elections, it was then announce late afternoon. Lee Saunders won, sad to say we did not win the victory it was a close votes. I also attended the Women’s Leadership cafĂ©; it was a roundtable discussion with others delegates whom also in women’s committee on their own local. It was amazing to hear some of theirs story why they got involve. I met Julia she’s from California I will never forget what she said to her boss “if you don’t stop treating us like your slave employees disrespecting us, I will do something to make you stop! mark my word” this is her own remarks. And guess what, she won the respect from her boss and to all her co-workers. I will treasure all I’ve learned on this convention; this will guide me for a better future as Union member as well for all our members. It was a very busy week in Boston; I get to know my local 328 delegates, I met some other local’s delegate’s as well 2 possible next wave delegates live here in Portland & Milwaukie.

As the convention ends and we said goodbyes, I will remember to say “Ready to fight! Ready to lead” fight for our rights as employees. We as a Union Leader, our members are a working families counting on us to fight for them, jobs security & benefits.

It was a learning experience and I hope someday I get to attend another convention. Boston has so much to offer very nice city. Thank you so much for sending me.

In Solidarity,

Vivian Lalangan

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