Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Report on AFSCME International convention in Boston, MA
I have to say that I had an amazing time. This was the first time I have attended a convention. I expected it to be interesting, exciting, and to have some fun thrown in…but it really was an exceptional experience. I met many people from different locals and got to hear a variety of perspectives.
The most interesting thing to me was watching how the election unfolded and the manipulation of the international union. Our international secretary treasurer Bill Lucy retired at the convention. There were two candidates running for the position: Danny Donahue who is the current president of CSEA, an AFSCME affiliate and Lee Saunders who is the executive assistance for our current international president Gerald McEntee. It’s important to note that McEntee supported Lee Saunders while Bill Lucy, our much loved and respected former secretary treasurer, supported Danny Donahue. I was shocked and angered at the way the floor was run in obvious attempt to push support for Lee Saunders.
At one point when one member brought up some issues with the elections process, particularly voting by proxy, things got heated. As the debate ensued it became apparent that the international was not listening to the delegation. This resulted in an uproar. At one point when the chair was trying to restore order he shouted “I can wait here all day” and the floor responded with “so can we! So can we!” It was an amazing demand for democracy that I am proud to say I was a part of. They managed to restore order by having the delegation recite the pledge of allegiance.
Our local president Jaimie Sorenson gave a moving speech on behalf of Danny Donahue. Supporters for both nominees said their pieces with some favoritism in the amount of time given to speak to the Lee Saunders supporters which was very frustrating. After each nomination the nominee was asked if they accept. Lee Saunders was nominated first and since he was up on the dais he accepted quickly. Danny Donahue was nominated second and was out on the floor with the delegation. When it was his turn to accept Gerald McEntee seemed to not be able to find him in the crowd even though there was a group surrounding him and shouting “he’s right here”. At one point a woman who had been supporting Lee Saunders, and was wearing a t-shirt showing her support, got so upset at what was happening that she took off her shirt, leaving her in only a bra, and threw it on the ground and said “I’m sick of this sh*t!” It was a very telling action and I have to say I felt the same way.
The rest of the convention was resolutions, workshops, delegate receptions, and the like. We also had two notable guest speakers: Richard Trumka the current president of the AFL-CIO and Vicky Kennedy who is the wife of the late Ted Kennedy. I really enjoyed both speakers.
I am so glad and thankful that I had the opportunity to go to this convention. It was a wonderful experience. Thanks for sending me.
In solidarity,
Sarah Cinnamon

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